Below are the notes I made for the courses I was assigned to teach, classes I took, and the seminars I attended (not I presented!). Please do not reproduce or distribute these without permission.
Courses Took at Purdue
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Roughly, Purdue adopts the following course numbering system: 100-499 Undergraduate and 500-699 Graduate. Some 400-levels are often cross-listed and open to both undergrads and graduate students. See this for more details.
- Fall 2024, MA 595SP Additive Combinatorics: Sum-Product Phenomenon
- Fall 2023, CS 593MLT Machine Learning Theory
- Fall 2022, STAT 598DP Differential Privacy
Courses TAed at UMass
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- Spring 2021, MATH 523H Undergraduate Real Analysis: Problems selected by Professor Franz Pedit and solutions created/gathered and typed by myself.
- Fall 2019, MATH 300 Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics: Materials and problems were selected and created jointly with Professor Luca Schaffler and Patrick Lei. (partial solutions) (grade analytics)
- Spring 2019, MATH 300 Fundamental Concepts of Mathematics
- Spring 2018, MATH 421 Undergraduate Complex Analysis: Created jointly with Professor William Meeks (typed, selected materials, wrote homework problems, etc.).
Courses Took at UMass
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Roughly, UMass Amherst adopts the following course numbering system: 300-599 Undergraduate, 500-699 Master's, and 600-899 Doctoral. See this for more details.
- Fall 2020, MATH 731 Partial Differential Equations
- Fall 2020, MATH 697B Riemann Surfaces (Draft)
- Fall 2020, CS 796 Independent Study: Complexity Theory
- Spring 2020, MATH 797DS Infinite Dimensional Integrable System (Draft)
- Spring 2020, MATH 725 Functional Analysis
- Spring 2020, CS 690J Advanced Cryptography
- Fall 2019, MATH 611 Abstract Algebra I
- Spring 2017, MATH 563H Differential Geometry
Talks Attended
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Again, these are the talks I attended, not I presented! Also, please note that these notes are not the transcribed copy of the talks. These were all reproduced after the talks, using my own understandings.
- Morse Inequalities for the Area functional by Rafael Montezuma from Princeton/UMass Amherst at Geometry and Geometric Analysis Seminar at UMass Amherst on Feb 5th, 12th, 20th, and Mar 11th, 2020.
- Computing Higher Symplectic Capacities by Kyler Siegel from Columbia at Geometry and Topology Seminar at UMass Amherst in Feb 19th, 2020.
- The Multiplicative Hitchin System by Chris Elliott from UMass Amherst at the UMass Geometry and Topology Seminar at UMass Amherst in Feb 7th, 2020.
- A Pascal's Theorem for Rational Normed Curves by Luca Schaffler from UMass Amherst at the Valley Geometry Seminar at UMass Amherst in Jan 31st, 2020.