You have finally reached the end of the internet!

Just kidding. My name is Jihun (I go by Jimmy). I am a Ph.D. student studying Computer Science at Purdue University, where I am fortunate to be advised by Professor Hemanta Maji. Last summer, I visited NASA GSFC (Code 450) again as a research intern.

Before Purdue, I finished my Master's degree in Computer Science at UMass Amherst where I briefly worked with Professor Adam O'Neill. Even prior to that, I did my undergrad in Mathematics with a minor in Physics at the same institution, and I finished my senior thesis under the supervision of Professor Panos Kevrekidis (Wiki) on extreme wave events (Abstract here).

I am interested in any topics in or related to theoretical computer science. For now, let's say my biggest interest is information-theoretic cryptography. I also like to talk about network algorithms, high-performance computing, and computer security, but not as much as I like cryptography.

I play CTFs sometimes as a member of b01lers. If you are a student at Purdue interested in ethical hacking and offensive security, please consider joining us!

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